Created Thursday 13 June 2013
This model contains fundamental system definitions like ambient temperature and pressure or meadia to be used.
It furthermore sums up interesting information of the cycle automatically
Advices for Usage
- Every application model shall have a SimCenter instance named simCenter (the default name)
- The instance will display the efficiency of the model's cycle, see figure below
- the displayed efficiencies are part of the summary which is a record summing up useful information of the model.
- In addition the simCenter allows the central definition of system relevant parameters, see figure below
Advices for Extension
The ClaRa library might be extended by so-called AddOns in the future. Authors shall consider the following advices when introducing the simCenter concept in new libraries:
- libraries directly depending on the ClaRa shall extend the ClaRa.SimCenter
- libraries independent from (i.e. not using ClaRa's models) but strongly related to the context of ClaRa shall have an own class SimCenter, also named SimCenter
- libraries using models from the ClaRa and an independent AddOn shall provide a specific ModelProperties extending the ClaRa's ModelProperties and the AddOn's ModelProperties
- libraries using models from the ClaRa and an ClaRa-dependent AddOn shall use the AddOn's SimCenter
- all SimCenter shall apply the tab structure provided in the ClaRa. The structure may be extended if necessary. the following tabs are currently available:
- General
- Media and Materials
- Ambience
- Summary and Visualisation
- Numerics
Backlinks: ClaRa:A User Guide:GettingStarted:Library Structure ClaRa:A User Guide:Revisions:v1.0.0 ClaRa:A User Guide:Revisions:v1.3.0:New Fuel Connectors